Laser Treatments

Looking To Change Your Reflection?

Laser Treatments Spa Menu

We are proud to offer a comprehensive line of non-invasive treatments and laser services
to correct a wide variety of skin conditions, including:

Laser Treatments

Laser Hair Reduction Packages

All package pricing includes 6 treatments, scheduled 4-6 weeks apart.

Other Laser Services

  • IPL or PicoSure - Single Treatment $800
  • IPL or PicoSure - 3 Sessions $2100

    Full Face Package (3 Sessions)

  • IPL or PicoSure - Single Touch-Up $600

    Discounted pricing for additional treatments within 3 months of completion of a laser package.

  • Tattoo Removal Consultation Required

    Tattoo removal is based on size of tattoo to be removed. Quote will be given at consultation.

  • TempSure - Radio Frequency Consultation Required

    Full Face - $1500 | Eyes $750 | Lower Face - $1200 | Body Laxity Protocol - $1200 Per Treatment Site | Cellulite Protocol - $2000 Per Treatment Site

  • SculpSure - Fat Reduction Consultation Required

    Submental - $550 Per Treatment | Body - $400-$4500 per session depending on number of treatment sites.

  • Please avoid any sun exposure for a minimum of four weeks prior to treatment
  • Shave treated area within 24 hours of your appointment
  • All makeup and skin products should be removed prior to treatment
  • Redness, swelling, and bumps are a normal reaction to hair removal and will resolve on their own
  • Apply aloe or hydrocortisone for rehydration and histamine relief. If any crusting or scabbing presents, allow it to fall off naturally and do not use makeup.
  • An antibiotic ointment should be used if there is blistering or a break in the skin
  • Do not shave the area for 3 days or if there is swelling, crusting, or scabbing
  • When bathing, wash treated area with mild soap and water and pat dry
  • Sun should be avoided during the treatment as extra heat in the tissue can cause blistering. SPF 35 or higher, should be applied at least every 2 hours whenever the area may be exposed to the sun
  • Swimming, sports, strenuous exercise, saunas, and hot tubs should be avoided for the first 3 days or until redness, crusting, or blisters have been resolved.

Types of Lasers

Our newest laser is specifically developed for sun/age spots, broken capillaries, and resurfacing. The Max G is the hand piece that will be utilized during these procedures. The Max G is an IPL (Intense Pulse Light) treatment targeting brown spots and unwanted redness in the skin. With any IPL or laser treatment expect some redness and/or swelling. Depending on the treatment, there may be a short down time associated with the procedure.
Above photo shows results after 1 session

As we age, our bodies can’t generate collagen as fast as it used to. TempSure Envi is a radiofrequency treatment that gently heats your skin and generates a natural response for your skin to create new collagen. This response minimizes wrinkles and fine lines, tightens skin through soft tissue coagulation, and improves the appearance of cellulite. It’s safe for all skin types and all levels of sun exposure and the results are instantaneous. There is no downtime for this treatment, allowing you to resume your daily routine normally.

PicoSure is the world’s most advanced technology for tattoo removal. This breakthrough technology can also be utilized to gently remove unwanted pigment as well as treat wrinkles and acne scars. Short bursts of energy are delivered to target problem areas in order to achieve a more youthful appearance. Refresh your skin today with PicoSure and see visibly clearer skin faster, and with fewer treatments. 

Tattoo Removal with PicoSure technology – Above photo shows results after 3 sessions

SculpSure’s body contouring technology is able to safely target and destroy fat cells in just 25 minutes per treatment area, helping you achieve a slimmer appearance. Click on the image below to learn more.

  • FDA cleared to treat abdomen, flanks, back, thighs and under the chin
  • Customizable treatment plans
  • Natural looking results*
  • Over 90% patient satisfaction rate


The Elite Laser is very efficient at removing hair, pigmented lesions, and spider veins of the face and legs. But it doesn’t stop there—facial rejuvenation (laser facials) can also be performed with the Elite.

The Cynosure Elite is a two in one built in laser, housing an Alexandrite and Yag 1094 wave length. The Elite can preform laser hair removal, pigmented lesion reduction, spider veins (anywhere on the body), and laser facials. During consultation and skin examination we will decide which laser is best for your specific skin.

The Cynosure Elite laser is most effective for removing spider veins, dark hair, and dark lesions or sunspots because the laser beam is attracted to the pigment. The darker the pigment, hair, or vascular imperfections, the better the results. In addition to the pigmented problems of our skin, laser treatments can reduce generalized redness and the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face.

With any light based therapy, there are risks such as burning, scarring, hyper-pigmentation, hypo-pigmentation, blistering, and discomfort. It is also important to understand that risks of adverse reactions are severely heightened by sun exposure and photosensitive medicine. Although the risks are low, it is important to convey any pain level above a 7 (on a scale of 0-10) during your treatment.

Online scheduling is now available!

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