Permanent Cosmetics

Looking To Change Your Reflection?

Semi-Permanent Cosmetics

This is a tattoo that is done in the upper lash line to give eyelashes a fuller appearance.

After consents are signed and any questions answered you will get a numbing cream placed on the upper lash line after a sufficient time you will begin the procedure. Pigment will be placed within lash line creating a more voluminous lash look. People describe the sensation as a “light scratching” or “tickling of the lashes” you will continue to receive numbing throughout the procedure to ensure your highest level of comfort. Self-administered Nitronox is also available to help calm your nerves if needed for a $25 onetime fee. This procedure will require two sessions to ensure full satisfaction.

This tattoo is in addition to lash enhancement to give a more dramatic look to the upper lash line.

After consents are signed and any questions answered you will get a numbing cream placed on the upper lash line after a sufficient time we will begin the procedure. This tattoo is added to a lash enhancement you and Emily will come to an agreement on the design of your liner. Pigment will be placed above the lashes to create a more dramatic look. Much like the lash enhancement there is minimal discomfort and numbing will be continuously applied throughout the procedure. Self-administered Nitronox is also available to help calm your nerves for a $25 onetime fee. Since this procedure is an add on to the lash enhancement procedure a complementary third session may be needed.

This procedure will give a semi-permanent fuller brow. Your artist will create realistic hair stokes and offer soft shading to create a life like eyebrow

Before starting the procedure you and our Aesthetician will take measurements on your brows and come to an agreement on the design. After consents are signed and any questions answered you will begin the procedure. Using the tattoo machine she will very lightly and quickly “rough up” the epidermis to ensure optimal penetration of the numbing solution. This sensation can be described as a light scratching. Once you are sufficiently numbed, hairstrokes will be placed following the agreed upon design, to ensure a natural look shading will also be placed. Numbing will be continuously applied throughout the procedure. Self-administered Nitronox is also available to help calm your nerves for a $25 one time fee. This procedure will require two sessions to ensure full satisfaction.

Before and After

Lash Enhancement